Firstly, this is something I wanted to post on http://aprofessionalwhiner.blogspot.com/ but NEW blogger won't let me.
And I didn't choose to *upgrade* to new blogger, it forced me (although it says some lucky bloggers are getting it automatically)to upgrade. All bollocks.
It didn't give me a choice. Today when I signed in to old blogger, it just forced me to switch.
So, fellow whiners, if anyone has made it to this blog, this one's for you.
This city is seriously getting to me. First, they change its name from Bombay to Mumbai. Then, they go on a fucking stupid digging spree in order to exhaust their allocated financial budgets by the end of March. So obviously, the already fucked up roads get narrower, meaning that the already narrow one-and-a-half lane one way road will now be a two way street. And there isn’t just one of these. Traffic, exhaust fumes, honk, honk, honk, eeeeeks. Sounds like a permanent hangover sometimes.
Bear in mind that this is just the end of January, so they have all 28 days of Feb PLUS the 31 of march (days and nights, might I add). Digggggging in the nose.
Okay and then, these advertising motherfuckers splatter ridiculous uncopyedited ugly hoardings all over so you can’t see anything else, anywhere. Like on your drive back from work, instead of getting a glimpse of the sea, you are being stared in the face by a larger-than-life model of shah rukh khan sitting on his KBC seat…yeeesh…go away. And speaking of ad’s, let me not even get started on the lame new PONDS campaign. They’ve got a bunch of these slightly upmarketish women in their early 30s talking about how their husbands used to go to the sports bars with “his friends” and then all of a sudden, one day, he takes her out to HER favourite restaurant. And then she tries to UNCONVINCINGLY slip in this line. “I’m not sure but maybe it’s this age minimizing cream I’m using, it works like a magic wand.” And from then on, every evening is her restaurant every night or something…
Look, I don’t have an issue with them trying to sell you this age-minimising crap, because we all know, and I must quote Philip Chacko (one of my editors at work) when I say that “at the heart of every ad is a lie.”
What really gets my damn goat is that these women, who have been made to look like well-educated, swinging in the corporate zone types are expected to and probably will convince many other women about the fact that men will give up sports or a night out with the guys for a lesser-wrinkled wife. Ridiculous, demeaning and so PISSSSSSSSSING off.
And this is the crap that advertising professionals get paid for?
And by the way, new blogger really sucks. So if you guys are reading this, let me tell you that its sloooooooow and I miss my old dashboard.
And I didn't choose to *upgrade* to new blogger, it forced me (although it says some lucky bloggers are getting it automatically)to upgrade. All bollocks.
It didn't give me a choice. Today when I signed in to old blogger, it just forced me to switch.
So, fellow whiners, if anyone has made it to this blog, this one's for you.
This city is seriously getting to me. First, they change its name from Bombay to Mumbai. Then, they go on a fucking stupid digging spree in order to exhaust their allocated financial budgets by the end of March. So obviously, the already fucked up roads get narrower, meaning that the already narrow one-and-a-half lane one way road will now be a two way street. And there isn’t just one of these. Traffic, exhaust fumes, honk, honk, honk, eeeeeks. Sounds like a permanent hangover sometimes.
Bear in mind that this is just the end of January, so they have all 28 days of Feb PLUS the 31 of march (days and nights, might I add). Digggggging in the nose.
Okay and then, these advertising motherfuckers splatter ridiculous uncopyedited ugly hoardings all over so you can’t see anything else, anywhere. Like on your drive back from work, instead of getting a glimpse of the sea, you are being stared in the face by a larger-than-life model of shah rukh khan sitting on his KBC seat…yeeesh…go away. And speaking of ad’s, let me not even get started on the lame new PONDS campaign. They’ve got a bunch of these slightly upmarketish women in their early 30s talking about how their husbands used to go to the sports bars with “his friends” and then all of a sudden, one day, he takes her out to HER favourite restaurant. And then she tries to UNCONVINCINGLY slip in this line. “I’m not sure but maybe it’s this age minimizing cream I’m using, it works like a magic wand.” And from then on, every evening is her restaurant every night or something…
Look, I don’t have an issue with them trying to sell you this age-minimising crap, because we all know, and I must quote Philip Chacko (one of my editors at work) when I say that “at the heart of every ad is a lie.”
What really gets my damn goat is that these women, who have been made to look like well-educated, swinging in the corporate zone types are expected to and probably will convince many other women about the fact that men will give up sports or a night out with the guys for a lesser-wrinkled wife. Ridiculous, demeaning and so PISSSSSSSSSING off.
And this is the crap that advertising professionals get paid for?
And by the way, new blogger really sucks. So if you guys are reading this, let me tell you that its sloooooooow and I miss my old dashboard.