Sunday, January 21, 2007

For some reason looking at these flowers makes me want to write about how strange men and women are about letting other people into their worlds; the whole in the beginning-of-a-relationship-wondering-whether-or-not-to-label-it thing. Well actually that's what a friend of mine was agonising over a few minutes ago.
But come to think of it, human beings and their unnecessarily complex feelings about "love" are too trivial to spend precious blog space over.
So lets tell you about these pretty, pretty flowers.
They grow on a tree which is at the back of my building. When we were kids there would be lots of them strewn across the ground - and by ground, I mean actual-actual ground, not that fake fancy tiled ground we find everywhere.
And if you were lucky, you'd find some with little shivlings in the centre. Not that I was or am religious, but the shivlings were really pretty too.
And come to think of it, if I photoshop them a little, they'd look like sea anemones.Well, just flowers for now. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Scritch said...

what a louvely phool bebaies. Nice photoshop work. Ar'nt these flowers called flames of the forest?

5:59 AM  

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